Wired just migrated to WordPress, you should too

Wired spent the last year migrating 17 blogs, 12 databases, and 100’s of thousands of posts into a single WordPress installation.  Here’s what they got:  mobile first, responsive design; performance enhancements; improved search with Solr integration; and...

Ba-bye Flash: The times they are a changin’

YouTube just announced that finally HTML5 is the default rendering method of its videos instead of Flash.  This has been a long time coming and was completely to be expected given that Flash was denied the iPad a couple of years ago because of performance issues. ...

Seafile: Open source cloud storage and collaboration

Here’s something I’m going to be checking out soon.  It’s called Seafile, and it’s an open source cloud storage and collaboration platform with a self-hosting option (like ownCloud, which I’m far more familiar with).  I’m interested...

Every IT person needs CloneZilla!

Check out this awesome utility out of Taiwan called CloneZilla, a disk and partition cloning system that works like Norton Ghost.  CloneZilla can make a copy of your mission critical systems in no time.   CloneZilla live can ” clone a 5 GB system to 40 clients...

VirtualBox 4.3.20 is out

A new VirtualBox is out!  If you want to try your hand at virtualization for free, VirtualBox is both free and easy to use.  Throw it on any old server and try it out!