More than 20 years ago, the president of the Printing Industries of Michigan had a great idea: “Let’s buy the domain name print.org for this new thing called the internet. We think that will be important one day”. Today, the PIM has a website as awesome and unique as their domain name. Chock full of features like job classified ads, a members-only area, a robust CRM-powered “find a printer” feature, print.org not only gives PIM membership what it needs but is an extremely attractive, mobile-friendly recruitment tool.
Web Development & Design
Branding & Marketing
The Challenge
The PIM long ago recognized the importance of the internet and built advanced web-based tools to service and attract new membership. The problem today is that these advanced tools were all written using the smartest tools available at the time of their writing, circa 2000-2001. Today, site operators with limited technical skill need to be able to perform a number of what were once considered advanced tasks on their website. Therefore these tools had to be rewritten using modern architecture. Moreover, today’s internet entrepreneurs and recruiters cannot ignore the importance of the need for attractive, mobile responsive design.
The Solution
All our websites are built with modern, mobile responsive web principles in mind. Our web designers know how to make print associations look good, and our content writers understand the industry. What were considered to be advanced tools in 2001 now have been solved by the open source community. In particular, job classified ads, equipment listing, find a printer functionality, member accounts, all of these are handled easily through open source “customer relationship management systems”. We never pretend our solutions are unique to your company or association. If you have a problem, chances are open source has solved it. We’re here to bring you this expertise in an attractive format.
Open Source CRM-Powered Recruitment Tool
Web Tools Rewrite
Content Creation
Design & Development
Amazing Result
Powered by open source
This mobile responsive website was created with WordPress, SugarCRM, and other freely available open source tools, allowing us to not have to charge for reinventing the wheel.
Integrates with SugarCRM
Classified ads, equipment lists, and easy “find a printer” functionality is all organized under SugarCRM, allowing print association staff to manage this data without technical skill.
Recruit with Great Content
Today’s print association websites should be recruitment tools first which help attract new membership. Our content and design is developed with this end goal in mind.
Primed for Social Media
Now that the Printing Industries of Michigan has a great website, the association’s member benefits are ready to be marketed over social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Our objectives were bring the most current, relevant, web site and software development to the Printing Industries of Michigan, Inc. and our member firms.
Their [Pearl Street’s] efforts and expertise have proven to hit each mark precisely and has delivered, in every respect, much more than asked.